Thursday, February 03, 2005


so i was looking at the dickinson theatre website because our theater is now too cheap to actually put the listings in the paper, so it only has a phone number and website. anyways, i was lookin around and i was like "phantom of the opera! oh dang!" but then i was like "hold up" so i did a little more research on the site and came to find out, ya, thats not comin to gc and i was like "n*gga fo real?!" and they was all like "yea dawg, yea" and i was like *psh* and shut that fool down, right. i don't know if we'll see a movie anymore. BTW -to all i offend when i say the n-word...woops, sorry. honestly i'd like to stay politically correct for those who want me to... so i'll try, but no promises. that just really not me, and if a gal can't be herself on her blog, where can she be? think about that. AND when i typed BTW it reminded me of one time we had a black substitute, and she was talking about the BTK killer from witchita, but she kept saying the Band!! haha...ya, got us everytime. them craaaazy RLBPs


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