Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Summer with Chelsey

Lets update, shall we?
*Got a new computer (awesome one, at that), and finally got internet set up...waiting to get cable instead of dial up though
*Went to dance camp last week, it was waaaay more fun than what I though, it was awesome. All the girls are so nice and sweet
*Chelsey Koehn (old skool bf from daycare) is staying with me for a week!!
*Yesterday there was a show w/ Charlize, Sleep Away, and Rookie of the Year. All were awesome, but Rookie of the Year is tight to fall asleep to.
*Today my friend Dwaine and his friend Josh from Scott came and we ate dinner at Jade Buffet (*yuck*)
*Tomorrow we're going to lunch w/ Joey and his friend, then I have co ed practice, and Chels is gonna hang out w/ Corey (her old skool crush from day care...and if you're wondering, yes they're going to get married someday). Then we're going to go team bowlling w/ Bret and Addy.
Hopefully I can get some pics up soon, and update more regularly now! late


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