Friday, September 30, 2005

Brown Bear whatchoo lookin at

Dear blogger,
Manhattan has been fun since I got here. Yesterday me and ma walked roughly 43 miles around campus for my college visit, then last night we had game night. Today, we had a couple more appointment's at K-State. Tonight's the ABJ show, and I bet you think I'm going. WELL I'M NOT! Ha, I got you so probably thought I wouldn't miss that concert if it meant losing my left thumb AND index finger. Yet, it's an 18+ show, so unless I can pay someone enough money, or break and climb through a couple windows into PJ's, I'll probably have to resort to watching the lacrosse game tonight. You might think that going shopping might make me feel better...and while it certainly wouldn't hurt, I still want to stick a fork in my eye so atleast i have a valid excuse for not seeing my freaking favorite BROKEN UP band EVER on the PLANET's reunion show. Don't cry for me.


At 9/30/2005 4:59 PM, Blogger hockeyfrog said...

I'll let you in on a little secret.

ABJ didn't break up.


Seriously though.. I've talked with Drew and Groebe about it and their thoughts... right now they're feeling like SOB and The Famed are their main projects and ABJ is the side project. ABJ ended up touring late last year on a pretty extensive trip, and found out, while liking playing music, touring and such isn't really what they were fond of. Local shows are good, and they're still having fun playing music. *shrugs* Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but don't fret, youngin' (sorry!), word has it there is to be more ABJ shows next year still.


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