Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wiley and the Hairy Man

Yeah, I forgot to say last night that ma and I went to the college's play. Its really fun, I saw it in like 4th grade when the elementary schools went. I'm sure it was good then, but this time I remember it. So it was better! And Kevin Diehl was the dog, which added to the fun. Today I think Rhonda and I are going to work on my bedroom and then if Zach ever gets off work we may watch football. It's kiiiinda a neighbor thing. I guess if anyone of you live close to us, you can come too.

haha, and Grandma snorted in church when she was laughing. Us three girls cracked up for like 4 minutes after that.

Update on Sarah W.: Spring of '06 is the time. That's all I know...can't believe she's getting married *sigh* i didn't believe I was getting old until now.


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