Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Your business? Or Mine?

I was talking to an old...hmm...friend? Of mine, tonight. So blah blah we talked and it made me realize something. I am MORE than sick of people thinking that they know me, or the people that I know. If they don't...you know what I mean? Let me break it down.
So I'm just telling him about how my life is going, and what all has been happening, and he has to tell ME about the people in my life and what they're doing wrong. Well, that's a fine how do you do, now isn't it? Considering how he's never met my people. This has happened more than once. People talking crap on my friends when they don't even know them. Hey, it's not going to make me like you more, so quit already. You think by talking crap you'll make them look dumb and make me think the same? Negative, it just makes you look like a wanker.
So in conclusion, because this bothers me a lot, YOU DON'T KNOW ME. OR MY FRIENDS. (Those of you who don't. Those of you who do, YOU and you ALONE have room to talk). Thank you for your time. Grow up.


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