Sunday, December 18, 2005


Dear Nicole, you'll appreciate this the most, I believe. Last night I had a dream that me and a couple of friends were going to be attacked by zombies. It was really scary, and Sigourney Weaver was one of the But we were trapped in this warehouse parking lot, and I ran my CRV into the fence and it didn't go through. So we decided we had to move to another town, although we knew eventually the zombies were going to take over the world. Stressful, I know. I don't ever ever EVER want to have another dream with Sigourney Weaver in it again.

So my body needs to decide whether it wants to get better or not. Because yesterday evening I was feeling fine, other than a runny nose. Today when I woke up (at 1) my throat hurts again and I keep coughing. IIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

WAIT, I don't think I told you. Friday I was supposed to go to the doctor to get another throat culture done (they still haven't called me, or a perscription in), but I didn't want to go because Rhonda couldn't go with me. So Addison volunteers himself to go. How sweet is that. Jeez, I could have a blog completly dedicated to the nice things he does for me.

So now I think I'll get ready for the day...I need to get gas in my car. I told AJ we'd go celebrate his being eligible for MAD sometime by getting Starbucks. We're New York like that. And I need to see Stanananana sometime today because I miss her. Off I go.


At 12/19/2005 3:03 PM, Blogger The Math Ninja said...

Yes, I do appreciate the zombie dream (If I can appreciate a dream of someone elses...). Next time, don't worry. Zombies are braindean and alawys strike last. Unless there was a magician around, not too much to worry about!


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