Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And then some

Wow, I was really out of it last night when I posted that last one. It's like all of a sudden I was only half awake, getting ready for bed and posting. Anyways, yes practice did go good. I got a present on my car afterwards that made me smile, and before anyone even showed up to practice Regier, Aj, and I danced around to Baby Got Back a couple times. She knows all the words. Just a little bit too funny to be weird. Anyhoo, about the day today, I got up earlier than usual, so I've been running on time so far. I forgot to turn something into Shaefer for biology but he said that since I was gone for a dance team thing he'd just give me an NC. :)That took some stress off.

So I really need to get on taking pictures for photography...if anybody has any suggestions or knows of any fun events going on that would be cool to shoot, let me know. I haven't turned in anything yet this semester and I feel really bad about that. Speaking of which, I need to go to class now. Have a good day! It's already wednesday!


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