Saturday, January 28, 2006

Eating disorders!

The weekend staying with Stana was a lot of fun. She chortles (what a word that is. Lewis Carroll made it up, you know) in her sleep, and we both talk. I apparently tell Addison to shutup in my sleep. I'm glad her and I finally got a chance to catch up on the like 3 weeks we didn't hang out. So, we're going to Wichita next weekend, leaving at noon on friday and getting home by 7 on saturday. That's gonna be soo much fun, PH*no*S hanging out again.
Dancing went ok tonight, but wrestling is pretty lame and I don't think many of the girls got into it this time. Meh.
Tonight Stana and I got ice cream, went around and took pictures, froze, then went back to her apt. and watched Aladdin. I'm not 5 anymore, and I still love that movie.
Then I went to Addisons and hung out for a bit. Everyone was over there, so it got pretty loud but holy crap those guys are so funny. They wear me out. Then we went upstairs and we watched NEXT...seems to be a common occurance, no matter how much I hate that show. He's so fun.
And now I'm going to bed because somehow today I managed to use up all the energy in my body.


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