Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why is the stage black?

Because it's emo. Thank you Trista, for that marvelous answer.

So the dance went well, could have been more together I hear, and definitely needs more work before comp., but for a bball game, it was fantastic. The game was awesome too, it went into double over time, and we ended up winning 70-66. Go Buffs, indeed. We made music videos back in the dance team room...it was a pretty fun night, some areas could have used improvements, but I'm over that. Then we had senior ensemble practice afterwards till 10:45. Ieeeee, I know. And my tummy started hurting when I got back...don't know why, really hoping it's not the flu. That's going around like crazy here in GC. Even at my house. SO. Let's all get extra rest and eat extra good, huh? HA, yeah...I tried that bit all last semester. It doesn't happen for me.
But I do have to go to bed, first day of college this sem. tomorrow. I'm probably just sick because that's what science does to me. Really, you have to understand just how much I LOATHE the subject. I do. Thoroughly.
Jeez, debby downer is going to bed now, don't worry guys. :) Everyone have a happy Wednesday!

ps. I'm excited for tomorrow night because Addison gets his system in and we're gonna go test it out...oh, and since I told you that, please don't steal it.


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