Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Go Ask Alice

In eighth grade I read this book called "Go Ask Alice" by an aonymous person. It was really good, but really depressing, but that's what I go for in books generally. Anyways I'm just messing around in buff project as usual and remembered it. You can buy it on Amazon for like 6 bucks if you're interested (and you can also read it, with the "search inside" feature). It's a girl's diary and she tells about how she gets into drugs, moves out on her own, and then lives on the streets...yeah...it was good 4 years ago. I'm betting it still is. If you're ever looking for 192 pages of teenage lugubriosity, hit it up.

Ha, and Jennifer Drees always thought it was called "Go Ask Alice Anonymous" because of the way the cover looked. It seriously took months to convince her otherwise, and she got made fun of by me the rest of the year.


At 2/08/2006 8:58 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

not gonna lie, i went to an online theasaurus to find that bad boy.


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