Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pillow Man

After the tiring morning of practice, many hits to the snooze button, and working on a bio paper, I went to school and got the day started for real. Sculpture was pretty about another 2% of my project done, and Weston and Nick sang country songs. Then during buff project I went to Regiers and tried to get some real work done on the play. Which resulted in me going to wendy's, then stopping by sonic to get her a vanilla coke. Kids Clinic after school, annoying little bratty kids on one end of the spectrum, the cutest little girl named Grace on the other. When I went to pick up Cassie and Sally from school, they didn't have anywhere to go, so we all (plus AJ) ate soup at my house for dinner, where Cassie proceeded to drop the salt shaker into her bowl. And everyone else dropped it at one point or another too. It was a pretty entertaining dinner. I had never hung out with those girls outside practice...yup...they're weird, but I like them. After that everyone in the cast came over for practice. Which pretty much means we all sat around in the loft and I told them stories. We really need to get crackin on this play.
When everybody left I went to see Addison. A little bit of crap went down (not with him, mind you) and my stress level once again got the best of me. But he made it better, as he always does. Tomorrow when he gets done with class we're going to watch Crywolf. Scary movies at 9 am? Not gonna lie to you, I'll still cover my eyes.


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