Don't read it then
So I don't mean to be a Mopey Melvin, but if you can't complain on your blog...where can you? I've been sitting at the computer for like forever this evening. I made a shirt on cafepress but I can't find where the shop is to give anyone the URL. I miss AJ. A bunch of things are just falling apart here in Garden. I'm sure everything will come together, like, tomorrow. But for today, it sucks. And practice didn't go all that well this morning. Sure we're all pretty rusty..but it's still frustrating to not be able to do turns. I'm hungry, yet can't find anything to eat. I hate when people don't return my text messages. Actually, what I wish was that I was in Manhattan. Things usually don't go wrong up there.
I'm over it now. I'm going to watch Rent! Huzzah!
That's why they call it Manhappieness (Or Manhappenen)!
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