Friday, August 18, 2006

About the college thing...

So just for a quick update...
*Josh and I have speech together (amazing)
*I overnapped and was 13 minutes late to my second algebra class of the semester. Ugh.
*We danced for a combined 4 1/2 hours yesterday. And for every tuesday and thursday to come.
*I went to my high school trig teacher, Mrs. Paulsen, to get help with my algebra h/w.
*My psych. teacher, Mrs. Hutcheson, is pretty loopy.
*My econ teacher, Mr. Marcy, wears funny ties, then tries to shake his "intimidating rep". C'mon Marcy.

*As of right now I give this semester a 6.5. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I'm also going to post all the dates that we dance on my 30boxes eventually. So if you have me added, you'll be able to see them. If you don't, go make an account. Then add me (


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