Sorry I'm Lame
So it's been like over a week since I last Not a lot has been going on, however it did rain a TON on Monday. As in, there were waves going on on Kansas Street. Today I'm going to go see Regier and Josh in class and get my year book from last year, then Chelsey and I are going to swim at her house while it's still warm out. Don't know whats going on this weekend. Kasey came home last week and is finishing her cosmetology degree here, so that's super exciting. We didn't have practice this morning. :) Oh, and I ordered the Finding Neverland Soundtrack and it totally came in yesterday, so I listened to it last night and pretty much didn't make it through the first half before I fell asleep. It's amazing. K, so everyone have a happy friday and I'll see if I can get some pics this weekend to post!
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