Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday How-To With Chut Buttley

My brother-in-law Chris has been spreading Christmas cheer for the last two years by putting together Holiday How-To videos. You might want to check them out.
Holiday How-To '05
Holiday How-To '06

And also if you're still in a mood, watch the video he and I made with the game "The Movies" last Christmas. Here.

Him and Jenette are coming to town tomorrow!


At 12/29/2006 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not commenting on this blog in partic, but just in general. You should prolly make a new blog cuz I need something, anything really, to read! U prolly dont have much things to blog about since we havent hung out in a while/we havent pulled ne redic stunts! Well ttyl!


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