Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Noodle...still gets me

Today was my last free day because I start spring semester tomorrow. I don't think it will be very springy for a long time though, because it's supposed to freeze again on thursday, some sort of snow storm I think. My morning will be little hectic:

7:30 am practice till 9 am
9 am Survey of Civilization till 10 am
a whole bunch of nothing until
1 pm Political Science till 2
And then I'm done!

I'm just worried about the transition from practice to class with no shower in between. Fortunately I have Lauren in that class, so we can sit off by ourselves somewhere being smelly together. I'm just excited to see who I have in class, and then I'm pretty much over it...but I like history so I'm thinking it won't be too bad of a class.

I talked to my friend Ben on the phone tonight and he said he just got back in town this evening and didn't know classes started tomorrow so....wow, lucky for him he decided to come home this day instead of a day before next Monday, when he thought they started. Oh Ben...he's an RLBP, if you know what I mean.



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