Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Vassup vs. Ish don't think so

On a scale of 1-11, this day was 9. Mos Def. And here's why:
Piano was cancelled, so Lauren and I made salsa (shown below) and guacamole and
watched the O.C.
All we did in Political Science was watch Blood Diamond which is good. I mean, I'm not one for South African accents, and even I got into it.
After class Lauren and I ate more salsa and guacamole, then met Chelsey, Alexa, and Emily at the baseball games.
I got my prom pictures from AJ, and they were bangin.
I ate at Golden Dragon with Rhonda and Dave.
I hung out with Addison for the first time in a long time. He showed me this video...
ve laughed alot.
Later this night Lauren and I had to study for a test tomorrow in Sociology, but we didn't let that get us down!
My friend Ben text me this...
To which I replied this...
Because if there is one thing I hate more than forwards, it's text messaged forwards. And gays.

:)I'm kidding.

Aaand to top of a wonderful day, my favorite episode of Ron and Big is on!
Ugh, God Bless the USA.

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At 4/12/2007 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voooow! glad you had a good day!


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