Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kiss of death

So you know how anything that's remotely expensive falls to pieces when I touch it? Yeah, that little quirk of mine is working over time lately. I ordered a new tail light for my car, went and picked it up and it turns out it's the wrong side that they ordered. Adding to my battery dieing and stereo breaking, my car sure is doing a lot to get attention these days. Also, my phone broke today. Just. Died...I mean, I've dropped it before, I don't see why this time was any different. So I have to go get a new one today, because we're leaving thursday for Colorado. I tell you what, for not having to work, go to school, or see a doctor, today has been an exceptionally crappy day.

I do have one shining star though, I must admit...I'm 30 pages away from finishing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


At 7/03/2007 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry your day has been so crappy, but I'm glad to hear about Harry Potter! ALSO, the money sitchiation is a bit brighter than it was yesterday, I have some things sorted out so it's not going to be such a short-handed trip


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