Friday, November 16, 2007

I love the black man

After telling my sister about a tiff I had the other day with a girl standing in MY door way,
I got pissed and decided to post about it.
So a guy called our room's phone and ended up having the wrong number. Clearly he was black, I could tell by his accent, so I announced to Kerri and the girls standing in our doorway
"A black man just called room" to which Jessica replied "Gah racist."

GAH RACIST?! Try Gah, ignorant.

Let me just clear this up with everyone in the world...
and by everyone in the world, I mean the 19 people that visit my page each day.

Pointing out a persons race is not racist. At all. It is, however, an observation.

Even saying "All black people have big butts" isn't racist. That's stereotyping.

Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race (thank you If someone didn't let their kid hang out with chinese kids simply because they were chinese, that'd be racist. There might be a lot of stereotypes that led up to that decision but it turns into racism when they act upon those.

Look, I like being white and there isn't anything wrong with that.

But you know me, I still love the black man. Cuba loves the black man.

I'm not a racist so the next hippie that stands in my room and says other wise MIGHT be getting curb checked. American History X. Watch it, it's relavent.

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