Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gettin schooled

I think my body is pretty upset with me. It goes something like this...

Dear Michelle,
You know, you started dancing and I was all about that, you know I was. Then you started working out a bunch which I'll allow, I mean fitness is pretty important, we like being in shape...but you know, you're dancing alot on top of that running you do...OH, wait. You're playing hockey now? Eff those shenanigans! Pulled groin muscle, achy knee. And cut the walking to class in 3 degree weather crap or your shoulder is getting dislocated. Oh, I'll freakin do it.
Watch yourself,
Your Body

Yup. It's pissed alright...


At 1/22/2008 9:11 PM, Blogger Ookami Snow said...

p.s. i want to wear something that covers my toes.

At 1/24/2008 10:19 PM, Blogger Jon D. said...

My email address is o_jonsimpson@hotmail.com, cheesy I know...but I've had it since I was in the 3rd grade and I thought I was funny. You know I haven't smoked since friday so I'm going on a week now, and I'm still sick and still not smoking. Although I'm to the point that I know I could smoke again I really just don't feel like it, and I'm around a lot of people that smoke so that's weird. I love you too michelle! Thanks for lookin' out for what's best for me and my lungs, they're probably more thankful than they give off.
haha I'm so down for fake smoking with you any day michelle...you know this.
Well have a good night, as I'm sure you're probably already sleeping...and if you're not then you probably should missy!


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