Friday, September 12, 2008

You know I like my chicken fried

Wow. Has it been too long? I feel it has. There's far too much to catch y'all up on now. Right now I need to work on getting the fans back. But, here are a couple highlights since freakin Warped Tour:
Storna turned 21.
I went to the Cliffs for the first time in 3 years. I only jumped once :)

Anthony and I went to California (Newport, O.C. style) with his brother Nathan's family. Here's a tip: when you're going to be in the sun 9 hours a day for a full week, don't just wear spf 15 on your very first day. Ouch.
Shannon, Nicole, and Rhonda came up and we all went to RenFest! Jayme, her disappearing boyfriend Charles (yes, as in CHaoos), Maria, Irene, and Newgen and Andrea joined us. Good times were had, per usual.
And I moved into my very first apartment with these three lovely and buff women :) Not on March 4th of last year, though. More like a month ago. That would be Sara, Diedre, and y'all are familiar with the lovely Miss Bates I presume.
A couple more things, not easily photographed:
*I work a bit at Netter's early learning center
*I'm going to switch my major to Kinesiology because it is basically my life in a class anyway.
*Anthony and I are no longer dating, but that isn't fun to blog about.
*I'm in a BA African piece for WinterDance, along with an understudy for the two tap pieces
Which brings me to...
*I'm taking tap this semester and it's really fun
*I have something in my room that every once in a while will make the whole thing smell like feet. I think the culprit is my boyfriend pillow though. If that's the case we're breaking up.
*I miss my rollin crew in Garden
*College/college life is fun

I hope everybody's last two months have been great!

OH and I can't believe I never posted about Kasey and Mark getting married! Well they did. Back in April.

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At 9/29/2008 2:33 PM, Blogger Jon D. said...

hahahaha wow everyone looks so drunk in that picture at stana's!


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