Saturday, July 21, 2007


Last night was the release of the seventh and final Harry Potter book, so Meredith, Stana, Erica and I went to Dillons to get our copies. I realize it probably wasn't as hip-happenin as Hastings but as Meredith is banned from said music and entertainment store, we went with her to Dillons. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I'm only on the 75th page of the sixth book, I just wanted to be a part of the midnight hustle and bustle. This way I'll be ready for it when I'm done with the sixth.
This evening Kasey and I hung out. She trimmed my hair, we got ice cream, and listened to adorable little Breckin here scream his little heart out. And throw up all his formula...
it was hard to tell which was more charming :) All things considered, he still is really cute .



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