Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hi, um can you hear me?

Today Chris and I went on quite on a biking adventure. As you may have read from my Twitter (on the side bar), I bought a helmet today, and it's a good thing too. He took me off roading--we're talkin steep declines followed by steeper inclines, tree trunks smack dab in the middle of the path, and quite a voyage through a mosquito-infested sunflower field. Boy howdy, it was a new one. I can't decided if I'd do it again...probably if he asked. I was a lot of dead weight though. I probably walked/ran my bike as much as I rode it.

I guess it was pretty fun.

After that we met up with Netter at Sonic. There was a tortilla fiasco, but we got it smoothed out.

Now I'm listening to Brian Adam's "Everything I Do" fixin to go to sleep. Oh, but I have started a new ritual of listening to "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz before I fall asleep. You might try it, I feel it's the relationship I'm missing in my life. Filled. Right there in a song. Don't judge me..

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At 9/26/2008 10:53 PM, Blogger The Gare Bear said...

Biking adventure always = a good day in my way of thinking. Helmets? Get a good one and you will never be aware you're wearing it -- until you crash and burn, especially if you hit head first. P.S. helmet or not, hitting head first is not recommended and could turn good day into not good day.

At 9/30/2008 12:17 PM, Blogger Jawsh said...

I hate that jason mrrraz became soooo overplayed at Boot's Bistro.

At 10/05/2008 8:11 PM, Blogger nettymus said...

No no no. That Jason Mraz song is awesome and the other one...Lucky??.. That one is really good too!


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