Saturday, October 27, 2007

Baseball! Rockies! Boyfriend!

Today was our homecoming game against Baylor! It's also the last home game we'll be going to because of a hockey tournament, and I'm glad we went out with a bang.
Mommy came to town this weekend so she went to the game with us!
We sat in front of some really fun guys,
they jumped in all of our pictures and cheered for the Rockies during the game :)
Kerri (pictured), Diedre, Julie, and I all crowd surfed! Courtesy of the guys behind us.
Rajarshi (one of Shannon's office mates) came as a first-timer.
Chris got a turkey leg.
Nette got purple kettle corn.
Oh, AND we rocked Baylor's world 51-13,
that's including Jordy Nelson's punt return for a touch-down in the last minute of the game!
He broke KSU's football record for most received passes in a season. STUD, I know!
After the game we went back to the apartments and ate dinner, returned my broken mini-fridge, and went to Wal-Mart. Kerri, Erin, and I all decided we should get to bed early but somehow that turned into us learning how to do the Soulja Boy crank and teaching some girls how to Chicken Noodle Soup.

(Hey, you too can learn the Soulja Boy crank in this video, provided by youtube,
Soulja Boy himself, and our friend Will)

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