Are you interested?....In the SuperBowl
Best unintentional-almost-pickup-line I've ever heard from a Norwegian. Erik sure knows how to passively work the ladiezz.
Saturday afternoon I got to Skype during Nette and Nicole's baby shower at Irene's :) I'm glad I atleast got to be a bit of there.
Saturday night Nic, Hannah, Sara, and I went out to the forum with three of Sara's flatmates. And Simon, my flatmate, found us! (The one on the far right) Doesn't he look like Rod Flanders?? I would say he looks it more once you since him IRL, but when he talks he sounds like Ron Weasley! What a celeb.
Baio from Vampire Weekend was DJing...I didn't hear any Vampire Weekend songs but I guess it was still pretty cool. That night was alot of fun and a LOT of dancing, which gets a definite two thumbs up from this gal.
And then there was Sunday night. Ooooh Super Bowl Sunday night. After trivia, of course, we had to re-enter the Elehouse in order to pay the cover. Virage really took one for the team and saved us great seats and we watched the Saints do what a large portion of NFL plans were hoping they would. That game was seriously good for the soul. WHO DAT!
It was so much fun watching the game there, everyone got really into it. All of us in our group were going for the Saints, so you can imagine. But the real treat was the in between coverage of Cecil Martin's face and some british guy talking very broadly and vaguely about the game. Oh Cecil, as if the Super Bowl wasn't already special enough :)
This afternoon I got into my cupboard and my flatmate Meera had left me some cookies called Jaffa Cakes. VERY sweet gesture...but they aren't very good :S It's ok, she said it herself. Apparently it was one of those nostalgia things that gets ruined when you grow up and realize that bubblegum ice cream is awful. But gosh darnit that was nice of her!
For my Conditioning practical(lab) we basically had PE. Stood in lines and two or five at a time did lunges across a gym, grapevines and what have you.
Nic and I ate dinner with Dan, Virage, Tim, and Bo tonight then I came home to do laundry. And by do laundry, I mean get it (my clothes AND all my sheets) into the dryer and have to wait til morning because the place closes at 10 for the night. O.M.G. I should really just get more sleep, I feel that would solve many problems.
A link to photos from Propaganda night
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